How much does the average total monthly dose per patient

Problem: In each month separately (September, October, and November) and also all together across these 3 months, how many patients are switched from Med A to Med B? In each month separately (Sept, Oct, Nov), how many patients are started on Med B having not been on Med A before?

In each month separately (September, October, and November) and across all 3 months, for patients switched to Med B, what is the average number of weeks the patients were on Med A before being switched to Med B? (see time on medication definition below) 6. What is the average total monthly dose per patient per month (in patients that switched) of Medication A before switching to Medication B (use time from question 5)? What is the average total monthly dose per patient per month of Medication B (in patients that switched -assume Med B dose is for 1 month)?

If Medication A cost $1 for 100 units, what is the breakeven price point for Medication B (per unit of B)?

How much does the average total monthly dose per patient (Medication A and B) change for patients switched September vs October vs November?

In patients that were switched to Med B, what percent of the 2nd Med B dose (total dose in month following 1st dose) was the same as the 1st Med B dose? Higher than the 1st dose? Lower than the first dose (but not a zero dose)? No dose at all (a zero dose)? (calculate for patients switched in September only, October only, and Sept and Oct together, assume Med B dose is for 1 month only)

For patients that switch from Med A to Med B (question 4), what's the average LAB B value for these patients when they were on Med A? Med B?

Assume that more of medication A and B is generally associated with higher LAB B values. How does your answer to question 9 and 10 impact the breakeven price point?

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Other Subject: How much does the average total monthly dose per patient
Reference No:- TGS03420119

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