
How much does it cost to implement telemedicine

Question 1: Which graph/chart is most appropriate for percentages? The y-axis should reflect the entire ranges of possible values for a statistic in order to accurately illustrate the relative size of the values from each group. What is the range of possible scores for percentages?

Question 2: What are degrees of freedom (df) related to inferential statistical testing? Why are they important? How are the dfs calculated for chi-square? How are they calculated for t-tests?

Question 3: Cohen's d is the appropriate statistic when differences in mean values are determined. What is the appropriate statistic to measure the chi-square results in a study/project?

Question 4: How much does it cost to implement telemedicine? To determine this, you can use a previous study that reports the cost, or a website that describes the costs involved in adopting telemedicine, or even a manufacturer's website that provides costs. Are there any cost savings when a setting adopts telemedicine? Who are patients, geographic areas who cannot use telemedicine? Need Assignment Help?

Question 5: Based on costs and limitations, what effect size do you think is necessary (give a specific number) to justify adopting telemedicine?

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Other Subject: How much does it cost to implement telemedicine
Reference No:- TGS03454596

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