How much does a deluxe sweatshirt cost to manufacture


Sweatshirts, Inc. Makes two types of sweatshirts: plain and deluxe.  Both types of sweatshirts go through two operations: cutting and sewing.  The deluxe sweatshirts go through a third operation that prints emblems and words on them. The deluxe sweatshirts also have more expensive material used on them. After manufacture, sweatshirts are warehoused for sale to department stores.

The following data is available for a one month period:




Quantity produced



Direct materials



Conversion Costs:



Cutting  $22,000



Sewing   $22,000



Printing   $ 5,000



Total      $ 49,000



How much does a deluxe sweatshirt cost to manufacture?

Sweatshirts, Inc. uses what kind of production cost system?

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