
How much do you share/self-disclose about yourself

Assignment task:

Self Disclosure is letting another person know what you're really thinking and feeling. We tend to share more about ourselves with people whom we trust. And we tend to trust others who are willing to share details about themselves. Generally speaking, the more we are able to share, the deeper the quality of that relationship. This is true because most relationships are reciprocal; they are built on interactions, exchanges, and transactions. Simply put, if I trust you enough to share something about myself, chances are you will be willing to do the same. Then our trust level grows. Conversely, if we have difficulty sharing much about ourselves, our relationships may stay at a fairly 'safe', but shallow level.

IN YOUR OPINION, please review and answer

  • How much do you share/self-disclose about yourself?
  • How do people respond to you when you self-disclose?
  • Have you ever been around someone who over-discloses (that is, they share too much, too early in the relationship)? What was that like? Think about sitting next to a total stranger on a bus or plane who wants to tell you their life story. Do they show much of an interest in you and your story?
  • How easy is it for you to trust others, and how does this affect your ability to self-disclose?
  • What are the consequences of not self-disclosing?

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Other Subject: How much do you share/self-disclose about yourself
Reference No:- TGS03385529

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