
How movie portray characters vs nationalist counterparts

Assignment Forum: Three is based on Tremlett's chapter "Secretos a voces" and Butterfly (English title) or La lengua de las mariposas (Spanish title). We have seen over the last weeks how Roman Catholic Spain "rewrote" history in order to serve its various needs. This revised version of history was of course taught in the predominantly Catholic schools thereby rendering the accomplishments and the history of the Moors basically null and void even today.

While Tremlett primarily seeks to define las dos Espanas and el pacto de silencio that has not only divided but also dominated the political and social structure of modern day Spain, he only lightly touches on the role that education played in the Second Republic (from 1931-1936)- one of Butterfly's central themes, so pay attention to how education under the Second Republic differs from the above description of education under Franco.

Thinking back to Snead, in the movie it is clear that Moncho's father, mother, brother, and teacher are all members of the Republican Party.  How does the movie portray these characters versus their Nationalist counterparts?

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