
How morality interacts with modern race relations

Q1. Imagine you are an interviewer for a job and you want to assess the emotional intelligence of a job applicant in your interview. How would you go about doing that and why? Be sure to fully explain your answer.

Q2. Political attitudes are very resistant to change. Two modern venue that people "discuss" politics are Facebook and Twitter. Please discuss the nature of political discourse on these venues focusing on only one politically loaded attitude (with examples as appropriate). Is the discourse likely to change attitudes or not and why?

Q3. Dr. Robert Cialdini is one of the most influential social psychologists focused on persuasion (and incidentally he is your instructor's academic "granddad"). Please take one of the examples discussed from the last discussion and apply the principles of persuasion to the topic and discuss how you could change a political attitude.

Q4. Morality is an issue that society has grappled with since its inception. Please discuss how morality interacts with modern race relations. Please discuss how human psychology, history, and law intersect with this particular issue.

Q5. Sticking with society as part of our discussion focus, please reflect on how you have seen aggression in society (what you have personally witnessed). What forces likely contributed to the aggression? What we the antecedents? What were the consequences?

Q6. Let's imagine you have a friend who has experienced some kind of a rejection. Please detail what things you would encourage the person to do to deal with the rejection and why? Would you imagine your friend being successful (and why)?

Q7. What is love? Philosophers, poets, musicians, and psychologists have dealt with this issue for time immortal. Of course, in today's time, there are apps to help you find that elusive love. Please take a detailed look at one (or more) app that can help find love (to be clear you don't need to use it, but you need to look at it). Please detail the nature of the app, how it purportedly works, and whether you think it will be successful based on what you know of social psychology.

Q8. Given what you now know about prejudice, discuss ways that society could attempt to handle a particular prejudice (feel free to choose a type/target). What would this sort of an intervention look like?

Q9. Please choose a modern "leader" and discuss their style of leadership. Is it likely to be effective in exerting change in their relevant domain? What successes and failures have they had and how did it interact with their leadership style?

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Other Subject: How morality interacts with modern race relations
Reference No:- TGS03377533

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