
How mistakes can be identified in the problem statement


The following mistakes can be identified in the problem statement: 1) It does not properly/clearly answer the 5w's and 1h of a problem statement: The "what" (rise of gang violence) and "where" (Long Island) of the problem are defined but the "when", "why" and "how" are not. Also, "who" is not clearly stated but is indirectly implied in the statement (illegal immigrants). 2) It shows personal bias of the person forming the statement: A problem statement should be based on facts and avoid perceptions and assumptions, which can lead to bias in the solution. However, statements like "it is my right" and "affords me the ability to live the American dream" show personal bias toward the "who" in the statement. 3) It contains possible solution: A problem statement should only state the problem clearly and not contain any solution. The statement "Several approaches have been proposed to combat gang activity.." hints at a solution, which is a mistake.



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