How miscommunication incident been either managed


The power of words-to either create connections through understanding or cause miscommunication. The types of words that cause misunderstanding are called word barriers.

Some of the types of word barriers are:

  • Bypassing
  • Allness
  • Malapropisms
  • Static evaluations
  • Restricted codes
  • Jargons
  • Polarizations
  • Biased language

Identify and select at least three word barriers that cause misunderstanding. You can select from the above-mentioned list or find your own word barriers. Based on your selection, research, and understanding, provide the following:

1. A description of each word barrier selected, including the key words used that cause misunderstanding or can trigger discord.

2. A description of at least three conversations (one for each of your word barrier choices) where there were misunderstandings because of the word barriers. These can be either actual conversations or ones that you saw in a movie or on television.

3. A description of how each miscommunication incident could have been either managed better or avoided. In other words, give advice for how one could communicate better in these instances.

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