
How might your beliefs affect your work with families


YouTube Video: "Language is Culture | Ayanna Njoroge | TEDxYouth@BrookhouseSchool".

Some families may challenge programs that support home languages at school because thy think such programs may undermine their child's English learning. This is yet another misconception that reflects a lack of awareness of the dangers posed for children when early childhood programs ignore home languages. Once families understand the dangers inherent in English-only programs and recognize that young children can learn English while also continuing their home language, they generally come to value bilingual education.


1. What languages did your ancestors speak? Are these languages still part of your life? What is it like for you? When and why do those languages disappear from your family, if they did?

2. Have you had an experience being in settings where people did not speak your language, what has that been like? What was it like to make yourself understood? How did it feel?

3. What connections do you make between fluent English speaking and intelligence? Between people who speak English with an "accent" or a dialect different from your own?

4. How might your beliefs/feelings affect your work with families?

5. What are the challenges for you to implement strategies that support children's home language while also fostering English learning? What will support you? What new knowledge and skills do you think you need?

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