How might you check the outcome of your choice


· To begin your assignment, please refer to the Activity 1: What Are Your Aptitudes? Read through the aptitudes, definitions, and examples in the chart and complete the following questions adapted from the textbook.

1. Write two paragraphs about two experiences (1 paragraph per experience) in your life that you particularly enjoyed.

2. Reread your descriptions of each experience and decide which of the aptitudes shown in the chart named Activity 1: What Are Your Aptitudes? in Chapter 3 best represents each experience.

3. Complete a three-column chart of your own. List the aptitudes you identified in question 2 in the first column. In the second column, list the interests and experiences you have had that support your choice of aptitudes. In the third column, list the aptitudes you'd like to develop or improve.

4. Use the 5C process to identify how your aptitudes and abilities can guide your decisions about coursework and college experiences that will ultimately prepare you for your career.

- First, state one of your aptitudes or abilities you wish to improve as a challenge that requires a choice. For instance, the statement shared in the text is "I want to perform before an audience." This relates to Artistic Talent. Perhaps you want to improve your verbal communication or numerical skills.

- Next, identify your choices-the courses, activities, or resources at DeVry that might provide you with that experience. For Artistic Talent, this might include joining the campus choir, volunteering at a school, auditioning for a play, or taking a class in dance. Your interests, aptitudes, and abilities naturally affect the choices you make, so tap into campus resources to identify choices to support the development of your chosen aptitudes.

- What are the consequences of each option? That is, if you implement that option, what would be the benefits of it?

- Which option would you choose?

- How might you check the outcome of your choice?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Reference No:- TGS03002386

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