
How might you as a social worker use your understanding of


While most issues and concerns impact both men and women, issues such as sexual assault, domestic violence, and poverty are likely to impact women more frequently. In fact, throughout history, women across the world have experienced multiple forms of oppression and sexism through limited access to education, health care, and employment. For example, according to one recent report, U.S. women working full-time, earn only 77 cents for every dollar men earn for doing the same work (Institute for Women's Policy Research, 2012). While some might question the data that supports these statements about women's experiences in society, it is clear that social workers must be sensitive to the influences of gender in their clients' lives in order to fully understand the issues they face and how to resolve them.

Despite the larger role of women in society today compared to a half-century ago, how might historical views and expectations of gender roles still apply today? For example, if you are conducting an initial intake with family members from the Logan Family Video case, who are dealing with a teen pregnancy, would you assume that the mother is the primary source of emotional support? How might you, as a social worker, use your understanding of gender stereotypes and gender roles to help the Logan Family resolve their presenting concerns?

For this Discussion, review this week's Learning Resources, including the Logan Family Video case. Reflect on the video interview and make note of any aspect where the social worker was not culturally competent or gender sensitive. Then, think about what you might need to consider in order to be both culturally competent and gender sensitive while working with Eboni Logan. Finally, consider what barriers you might encounter when working with Eboni, given your own personal values with regard to teen pregnancy and abortion.

Post a brief explanation of one potential aspect of the video interview where the social worker was not culturally competent nor gender sensitive. Then, explain what you might need to consider in order to be both culturally competent and gender sensitive while working with Eboni. Finally, explain what barriers you might encounter when working with Eboni, given your own personal values with regard to teen pregnancy and abortion.

Logan Family Episode 1 Program Transcript

MS. WARRICK: Hi, Ebony. It's good to see you. I saw you at the track meet. Nice job on the 100 meter dash.

EBONY: Oh, thanks. Thanks for seeing me, Ms. Warrick.

MS. WARRICK: So what's on your mind?

EBONY: I'm pregnant.

MS. WARRICK: Are you sure?

EBONY: Two months.

MS. WARRICK: Oh, Ebony. Why? Did you want to get pregnant? Didn't you use protection?

EBONY: Nobody talks about birth control here. All they teach is abstinence. I made a mistake.

MS. WARRICK: Do you know who the father is?

EBONY: Darion, my boyfriend. We've been going together for about four months. MS. WARRICK: Have you told him?

EBONY: He told me to do whatever I want to do. I know what that means, though, but he won't say it. He thinks we're too young to have a baby.

MS. WARRICK: Have you told your family?

EBONY: My mom. She wants me to have an abortion. Says I'll ruin my life if I have a baby now. But not my dad. He says it's god's choice, not mine. I don't know what to think. I'm all mixed up. What do you think I should do?

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Dissertation: How might you as a social worker use your understanding of
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