
How might you alter your own behavior in consideration


One of the five factors of influence (authority)

(MyPsychLab clips, "Social Influence," "Becoming a Detective of Social Influence," "Car Salesman")

Social Influence that examine compliance tactics and other strategies that are used to influence others and the used of consider on how these tactics can be used both to alleviate a social problem and alter individual behavior.

1. How is your behavior or that of another person influenced by specific compliance tactics?

2. How is the social problem you brought to mind influenced by one or more of the compliance tactics you have learned about?

3. How might the social influence findings discussed by Robert Cialdini be used to address this social problem?

4. How might you alter your own behavior in consideration of Cialdini's social influence findings?

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Other Subject: How might you alter your own behavior in consideration
Reference No:- TGS01904853

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