1. How might Volvo find out why some customers prefer Mercedes or BMW ?
2. Should marketing researchers always engage the client designing the study ?
3. What can researchers do to get client to act upon the research result ?
4. What types of market research might help Volvo to refine the Oncore programme ?
5. What types of market research might help Volvo to refine the CARE programme ?
6. How could Volvo find out how to improve each of the six relationship identified above ?
7. How might Volvo find out how effective the drivers are at acting as ambassadors for the cars ?
8. Discuss the problems associated with quota sampling in surveys. How might such problems be solved?
9. what can researchers do to get clients to act upon the research results ?
10. what kind of marketing research do you think would be beneficial to a company such as Michel Herbelin in its attempt to get a strong foothold in UK market ?
See the given link of Case Study.