
How might this issue or idea impact your life community or

Summary / Response

The purpose of these exercises is to give you practice in examining each of the assigned texts closely and to prepare to write the essay.

1. Annotate the Text: Actively re-read the assigned essay.Then, annotate the article as we've discussed in class, and according to the handout on Moodle, "Annotating Texts: Instructions and Guide." Mark phrases, images, or ideas that strike you as interesting or important; respond in the margins with your intellectual and emotional impressions. In addition, take notes and jot down your thoughts on separate paper for use later. Pay attention to the ways the essayist uses language; you are trying to find out how the essay works to influence your thinking about the topic. Consider any or all of the following as you annotate both on the text and in your notes:

o Where does the writer identify his or her purpose for writing? Is there an identifiable exigence?

o Can you relate to the writer? Do you share similar concerns about the world, or similar experiences?

o Are you affected or changed by this reading? Why or why not?

o Where do you catch glimpses of the writer's ethos? What makes you trust or believe him or her?

o What questions has he or she raised that you want to examine further? What has the writer left unsaid about this idea?

o How might this issue or idea impact your life, community, or the larger society in which we live?

o Play "What if?" What if these ideas were acted upon? What if they had not been? How might things be different?

o Take note of rhetorical strategies you encounter: examples of the writer's tone, use of rhetorical appeals, examples of sensory imagery&figurative language (metaphors, similes, personification, etc), examples of argument at work (evidence, opposing views, logic).

2. Once you have thoroughly examined the text, write your summary: Your summary should be no more than about 250 words, covering the main ideas in the text, rather than details.

o Introduce the author and the title of the text you are discussing in the first line of your summary.

o Do not insert your own opinion into the summary. Strive to be accurate, objective, and concise.

o Cover the whole article, not just the first few paragraphs.

o Use MLA documentation with parenthetical citations for any brief quotes you choose to include.

o Provide a Works Cited list. We'll cover documentation generally, but see The Little Seagull Handbook for help here.

3. What is your Response? Use your notes and annotations to respond to the text. What stands out to you most in terms of 1) the ideas expressed; 2) the rhetorical strategies you've discovered; and 3) the impact of the article on your own thinking.

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English: How might this issue or idea impact your life community or
Reference No:- TGS01071415

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