
How might these observations apply to business letters


Goal is to Identify the channels through which neutral and positive messages; emails. memos, and business letters; travel in the digital era workplace A writer compared letters and social media posts: "What is special about a letter is the time that is taken in creating a letter-that someone went to the trouble of finding a piece of paper, sitting down, crafting their thoughts, putting them on paper, and that they created this document really just for me. A letter is a very singular expression, it's a unique document, and for that reason, to get it in the mail feels almost like a gift. ... It's a piece of paper that I can feel. ... There's a physical connection."

How might these observations apply to business letters? Describe different types of business letter formats. What do you prefer? What other special traits can you identify? How can you apply this to your current or future workspace?

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Reference No:- TGS03331716

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