
How might these characteristics play a role for you as a


FIRST, all Students will take the Keirsey Temperament Sorter self-assessment test. This website has changed. Take the assessment, but do not buy the report. Dr John

After taking the self-assessment and reading the chapters in the book, think about the personality/temperament characteristics identified and in relation to how you view yourself. Also think about how these characteristics may have played a role in your previous life experiences. It is through this reflection that you will write a 4-5 page paper using APA format describing your personal leadership vision.

The sections of the paper should include the following;

I. Introduction;

II. Identify the character trait the Keirsey Self Assessment determined for you. Do you believe the Keirsey Sorter self assessment was accurate in your opinion? Why or why not?

III. How might these characteristics play a role for you as a leader?

IV. Incorporate what you know/have learned about management and leadership from the Umiker book.

V. References must be cited correctly.

VI. Include a copy of the Results of the Keirsey Self Assessment Students are challenged to choose one of the following books to read as
well. along with other outside sources to help you articulate your vision. Many valuable sources on leadership exist.

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius: The author is writing for himself, yet the book is actually a "road map" to living a better life. The author describes how to rise above distractions to maintain principles. It is 'rooted" in Stoic philosophy, yet is practical advise for controlling your thoughts, actions and emotions to remove stress from your life.

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankel; This books recounts the author's experience in Auschwitz, the Nazi prison camp during the Holocaust. Through the pain and suffering the author shares how he was able to maintain perspective and conclude there is a "meaning in suffering". He reminds the reader that the meaning of life is to define that meaning ourselves through action.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho; Life is a journey and each of us should be trying to following our own paths to a personal legend. The tale of a shepherd boy shares what occurs when we pursue our own legend. The Truth About Leadership by James M. Kouze and Barry Z. Posner; there are some things that will always play a role in effective leadership. Trust, credibility and ethics are among those things. This book is research based.

Good to Great by Jim Collins: Some companies succeed, but most fail. What makes the difference? This book is based on research and defines the traits necessary to build a great company. (also Great by Choice) Seven Habits of Highly Effective People or the Eighth Habit by Stephen Covey: Lessons on leadership and success. Changing your mindset is necessary to embrace an alternative perspective. This is self discovery book.

Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh: the author is the CEO of Zappo and has built a successful business by putting the customer first and hiring the right people. The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen: This book describes the methods to think ahead or be a forward thinker and taking risk.

Tribes by Seth Godin; the author shares a method for stepping outside the status quo to do meaningful work, that will inspire others to follow and leave a legacy. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie; this is an oldie but goody. Communication and interaction with people is meaningful. Show interest in others and the work they are doing and they will continue and improve.

Writing the assignment may take several editions. It is not unusual to have two or three drafts before the final document is complete and
ready to submit. Start early and do not wait until the last minute to do the assignment. It really is a GIFT to yourself before you graduate.
Make sure to include a reference page.

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Dissertation: How might these characteristics play a role for you as a
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