
How might the way sports are constructed and conducted


1. What are the ways in which fans of sport and individuals who are involved with organized religion might have similar practices? Think about traditions and rituals.

2. How might the way sports are constructed and conducted for mass audiences reinforce religious values?

3. How is the idea of morality infused into both sporting and religious discourse?

References: "Just How Much Is Sports Fandom Like Religion?" By Michael Serazio

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1. Fans of sports and individuals involved in organized religion have similar practices, such as wearing symbolic garments or symbols of their team or religion, repeating or chanting certain phrases and mantras, gathering in groups or communities on important dates throughout the year, praising a s a specific individual such as an athlete/coach and a church figure, participating in charity or fundraising events, and more.

2. The way that sports are constructed and conducted reinforces religious values because both share many similarities. It reinforces the value of community, and it has a major impact on identity and unity. Both religion and sports built for mass audiences give people something to believe in that is bigger than themself, and it is a part of who they are and their identity.

3. Both religion and sports teach audiences to be good people. In sports, it is important to stick up for your teammates, have good sportsmanship, and be a team player. In religion, this translates to being a good community member, treating others how you want to be treated, and making moral decisions.

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