How might the video privacy protection act be amended

Problem: How might the Video Privacy Protection Act be amended to better reflect today's digital technologies? What objections might be raised to these amendments? How might a supporter of amending the law respond to those objections?


  • In re Hulu Privacy Litigation, pp 3; pp 4-5; pp 5-7; pp 8-9)
  • FTC, June 2017 Guidelines on Complying with COPPA
  • Danah Boyd et al, Why Parents Help Their Children Lie to Facebook About Age: Unintended Consequences of the 'Children's Online Privacy Protection Act', 16(11) First Monday (7 November 2011)
  • EPIC, Video Privacy Protection Act
  • Jessen et al, Teaching an Old Law New Tricks: The 1998 Video Privacy Protection Act in the Modern Era, Bloomberg BNA, July 5, 2016
  • Mollett v Netflix

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