
How might the use of this technology influence a redesign

The Rand report on emerging Internet technologies in the criminal justice system details a number of exciting and innovative approaches to future integrations of technology in criminal justice work.

After selecting a particular form of technology mentioned in this report and after selecting a particular type of criminal justice position in either law enforcement, corrections or the courts, explain the following:

1) How might the use of this technology affect the present design of this job, according to its psychological characteristics and theoretical orientation (Tayloristic vs. Human Relations)?

2) How might the use of this technology influence a redesign of this position to increase its efficiency and/or the satisfaction levels of those who perform it.

Be sure to make specific references to the PowerPoint and the text in both your answers.

*For up to three extra credit points, select another technology application from the Rand paper along with a criminal justice position and answer questions 1 and 2.

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Dissertation: How might the use of this technology influence a redesign
Reference No:- TGS02369570

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