
How might the research models presented be wrong

Assignment task: Suggest a brief description sentence of the article below that addresses the following:

1. Suggest how you think the research in the below article is useful (e.g., what population is it helping? What problem is it solving?).

2. Using Y=f(X) +E notation, identify the independent and dependent variables.

3. Suggest how might the research models presented be wrong? Suggest what types of error might be present in the reported research.

4. Provide resources.

Climate change, a pervasive global phenomenon, exerts discernible impacts on the physical, social, and psychological dimensions of well-being. The apprehension surrounding this complex environmental issue has reached a critical juncture, with over 76,000 individuals across more than thirty nations expressing profound levels of concern, characterizing their anxiety as either "very" or "extremely" pronounced. This surge in awareness regarding the potential consequences of climate change has given rise to an emergent and escalating challenge known as climate anxiety. This distinctive form of anxiety manifests through profound feelings of fear, helplessness, and despair elicited by the impending repercussions of climate change. Notably, the intersection of climate anxiety with occupational domains, particularly within the context of Nursing University Colleagues, suggests a nuanced relationship with job engagement, wherein the psychological responses to climate change may influence professional commitment and involvement.

Aim of the study

To examine the correlation among Climate Anxiety, Environmental Attitude, and Job Engagement among Nursing University Colleagues comprising eight distinct nursing faculties.

A multicenter descriptive, cross-sectional research design study followed.

Three hundred fifty-nine participants from the Centre, Delta, West, Suez Canal, and Upper regions of Egypt using a stratified random cluster sampling technique.


Social and health related to climate data structured questionnaire, climate anxiety scale, environmental attitude inventory, and job engagement scale.


The influence of demographics on climate anxiety, environmental attitude, and job involvement was not observed. Nevertheless, geographical variations emerged as a noteworthy factor. A statistically significant inverse correlation was identified between climate anxiety, job engagement dimensions, and the overall score of environmental attitudes.

 ** At present, i am stuck as to the information you require to move forward. What relevant information have you determined that you require so the tutors can provide a helpful explanation? The instructions are very specific. I have provided a very short synopsis of an article/document. Statistically, I require your assistance. I totally concur with you on your analysis regarding what has been presented.

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Other Subject: How might the research models presented be wrong
Reference No:- TGS03424255

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