How might systemic inequalities be made worse

Assignment task: As the topic of environmental racism is being  explored, in which those who experience systemic racism disproportionately face environmental challenges.  Examples presented this week range from Native Alaskans losing their village to sea level rise, to lead in the water supply of the majority African American city of Flint, to the Dakota Access Pipeline going through land considered sacred by the Standing Rock Sioux, and even to circumstances that lead to environmental refugeeism (which will disproportionately affect poorer peoples in Africa, Asia, and Latin America).

The concept can be further applied to other forms of systemic inequalities, from environmental sexism (women more often die from indoor air pollution) to environmental classism (again, Flint, along with poor miners in West Virginia and Kentucky suffering the effects of black lung disease and other pollutants from mining), and so on.

Research and present below an example over the past few years (particularly the past few months if you can find one) of environmental racism (or another type of systemic inequality). How might systemic inequalities be made worse by environmental social problems?  Please provide source.

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Reference No:- TGS03275672

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