
How might hiring manager solve the companys value creation


First, develop a hiring manager persona for a company you are interested in working for. Include the following elements in a concise manner, paying special attention to concepts of value creation, possible problems, and candidate qualities so others can follow your logic. Bullet points are just fine:

i. Open position: title, location

ii. What value does the company provide for customers? Briefly describe functional, economic, social, experiential value

iii. Pressures the company is facing - what challenge do they have in meeting customer needs (specific to the open role):

iv. Hiring Manager title, role / duties

v. How might the hiring manager solve the company's value creation problem by finding the right person for this role? What is the hiring manager worried about NOT accomplishing? Provide rational assumption / evidence. THIS IS PROBABLY NOT LISTED ON THE JOB DESCRIPTION

vi. What qualities are they seeking in a candidate to fill this gap / correct this problem?

Second, develop three STAR Format questions which the Hiring Manager Persona would be likely to apply to the process of reviewing / down-selecting of resumes, and to the interview conversation itself. Make sure you clearly outline each element of STAR: Situation, Task, Activity, Result.

With each STAR Format question, briefly explain your logic: how the question informs the hiring manager as to the candidate's ability to meet the needs of the team you identified in the Hiring Manager Persona.

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Business Management: How might hiring manager solve the companys value creation
Reference No:- TGS03310159

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