
How might a specific isms have influenced your thinking

Please answer all the questions.

In preparation for this assignment review the "Cycle of Socialization," then continue to reflect on the ways in which you have been influenced by stereotypes and biases. What biases and stereotypes could still be with you today? How might working with others who are also immersed in the journey of anti-bias work foster your professional growth? How might your commitment to fostering the well being of young children and their families help others to more further along in their anti-bias work?

*Establish your own circle of support. Using "Begin By identifying a Support Person" (Anti-Bias Education. p 20-21) as a guide, list three colleagues (inside or outside of the Walden learning community) and/or family members you intent to turn to for emotional and professional support as you "uncover and change (y) our learned biases and discomforts" (Derman-Sparks, 2010, p.21).

*Contact each of the members of your support circle and coordinate how you will contact them-preferably over the telephone.

*Next, think about what you have learned about yourself throughout this program related to your own biases. Were there any "ism''s" that have affected and/or are affecting your development, identity, thinking and/or interactions with others?

*How might a specific "ism''s" have influenced your thinking during your childhood, your perspectives or interactions with a particular social group, and your work with young children and their families.

*Articulate one or two goals you are hoping to gain from working with your circle of support and that you hope to accomplish throughout this course with regard to "ism''s.

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Essay Writing: How might a specific isms have influenced your thinking
Reference No:- TGS02424215

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