
How meritocracy determine access to opportunities in society

Assignment Task:

On a scale of 1 to 5, how strongly do you believe that meritocracy determines access to opportunities in our society?

Do you think that opportunities in our society are primarily based on merit? (Yes/No)

How satisfied are you with the fairness of the merit-based system in providing equal opportunities? (Very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied)

In your opinion, does everyone have an equal chance to succeed based on their merits in our society? (Yes/No)

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you think societal attitudes toward meritocracy affect overall equality?

Have you personally experienced instances where meritocracy seemed to strongly influence opportunities in your career or education? (Yes/No)

How much impact do you believe socioeconomic status has on an individual's ability to succeed based on merit alone? (High impact, moderate impact, low impact, no impact)

Do you feel that the current system promotes fairness and equality for everyone regardless of their background? (Yes/No)

How well do you think meritocracy aligns with providing equal opportunities for marginalized communities? (Very well, somewhat well, not very well, not at all)

In your experience, do you believe that meritocracy in our society has led to increased or decreased societal equality? (Increased, stayed the same, decreased)

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Reference No:- TGS03415873

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