
How may the family structure be advantaged


Using the following videos below, explain the following in details:

YouTube Videos: "week 5 q&a" and "We're Raising Our Kids With No Gender | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY".

Audio: "What's the Best Advice You've Ever Received?" By Stephen Dubner and Angela Duckworth.

I. Is gender ascribed or achieved?

II. Talk about this family using one of the sociological theories and explicitly discuss how they may have challenges that other families may not have.

III. What role does gender play when the parents are polyamorous?

i. What if the parents are transgender?
ii. What about raising kids genderless, does that matter?
iii. Why or why not?

IV. Are there any other social statuses that may matter to this family (race, socioeconomic class, etc )?

V. How may this family structure be advantaged when getting a parent license?

VI. How may it be disadvantaged? Make sure to use info from the podcast to express this point.

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