
How mass-wasting events can be triggered by humans

Problem 1: A heavy rainfall event occurs in a mountainous region. How does the addition of large quantities of water to the soil on hillslopes affect slope stability? (Hint: two components of the SF equation are affected by excessive amounts of water). Has the slope become more or less stable, and why?

Problem 2: Of the four main factors affecting slope stability listed here (cohesion, internal friction, slope angle, mass of material), which are the least likely to change over short timescales? Which are the most likely to abruptly change and trigger a mass-wasting event?

Problem 3: Mass-wasting events are often associated with other types of natural hazards (e.g., hurricanes, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes). Give two examples of how mass- wasting events can be triggered by another natural disaster, being specific about which components of slope stability are affected.

Problem 4: Some mass-wasting events are triggered by human activities. Give two examples of how mass-wasting events can be triggered by humans, being specific about which components of slope stability are affected.

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Science: How mass-wasting events can be triggered by humans
Reference No:- TGS03261515

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