Question: Questions to be answered for each brand:
1. How marketing research is relevant to each of the following organizations? How might they utilize marketing research for strategic purposes?
2. Describe 2 specific marketing research questions that these brands might be interested in examining.
3. For Question #2, classify each research question into one of the following marketing research processes as noted in Chapter 1:
1) Marketing Situation Analysis,
2) Marketing Strategy Design, and
3) Marketing Program Development. Explain why you categorized each research question into the aforementioned research process.
4. Describe how these research questions can be addressed from the different research approaches discussed in Chapters 2-4. That is, what specific marketing research methodologies do you recommend to answer these questions, and why?
- Use APA style.
- For each of the following brands, please respond to the following questions below. Your analysis should be approximately 5-6 double-spaced pages in total (~1-1.5 pages per brand) and demonstrate knowledge of Chapters 1-4 course material.
- Marketing research application #1 general instructions:
Brands: Starbucks
- Blue Apron
- Philadelphia 76ers
- Brand of your choice