Question 1 Two medications are used to treat a disease. One is appropriate 90% of the time, the other is appropriate just 10% of the time. Doctor stend to choose the appropriate medication 80% of the time. Out of 100 patients with this disease, how manywillget an inappropriate medication?
Question 2
Which of thefollowing is true, regardingtheuse of EHRs in US hospitalsanddoctor'soffices?
A-Thereareonly a handful of vendorsmakingcertified EHR systemsfordoctor'soffices
B-Most US hospitalsareusingallthecapabilities of their EHR (theyhavereached "Stage 7")
C-Canadian EHR adoptionandimplementation is far ahead of Americanhealthcare
E-Federal incentiveshavespurredtheadoption of EHR, in the US
F-One EHR vendor is approachingmonopoly-like market share in US hospitals
Question 3
Which of thefollowinghealthactivities is NOT available, throughmany of today'spatientportals?
A-Patients can viewtheirmedicalhistory, allergiesandmedicationlist
B-Patients can requestrefillsfor a medication
C-Patients can request an appointmentwiththeirdoctor
D-Patients can viewandeditnotestheirdoctor has writtenaboutthem
E-Patients can reviewlaboratory test results
Question 4
EHR-ledpatientportalsarenowmore popular thanpatient-drivendigitalrepositories. Which of thefollowing is NOT a reasonforthepopularity of EHR patientportals?
A-EHR patientportalsfacilitatepatients' requestingappointmentsorrefillingprescriptions
B-EHR patientportalsautomaticallyaggregate a patient'smedical data fromfacilitiesacrossthecountry
C-Doctorsandhealthcaresystemsfrequentlyupdate EHR patientportalswithnewpatientinformation
D-Healthcare institutionssoughttoenrollpatients in theirportals, toqualifyfor federal incentives
E-ED doctorsrarelyneededaccesstopatient-drivendigitalrepositories, whenpatientswereunconscious
The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.