
How many vertices will be used for each triangle


We want to render a geometric ?gure which is modeled using 217 triangles. The ?gure will be drawn using TRIANGLES mode. This question is about measuring the memory used to store the vertex data.

i. How many vertices will be used for each triangle?

ii. How many vertices total are there?

iii. Each vertex position will take 3 coordinates, each one a ?oat value. A ?oat value takes 4 bytes to store. How many bytes will it take to store all the position data?

iv. Colors will be provided for each vertex. The color for each vertex will have four components: red, green, blue, and alpha. Each component will take a single byte. How many bytes will it take to store all the color data?

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Computer Engineering: How many vertices will be used for each triangle
Reference No:- TGS03234772

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