How many units of a should it make to maximize profit


1. A firm manufactures two goods A and B which require the two inputs K and L in the following amounts:

1 unit of A requires 6 units of K and 4 of L

1 unit of B requires 8 units of K and 10 of L

The firm has at its disposal 96 units of K and 100 of L. The per-unit profit of A is £600 and for B the figure is £300. The firm is under contract to produce a minimum of 6 units of B. How many units of A should it make to maximize profit?

2. Construct and solve your own linear programming problem that has two variables in the objective function and three constraints of at least two different types.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Microeconomics: How many units of a should it make to maximize profit
Reference No:- TGS02124737

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