
How many tax returns do you prepare per year- what type of

If you are considering hiring a tax preparer, use the following questions as an interview guide to screen candidates.

1. How long have you been preparing tax returns?

2. What training have you had preparing tax returns?

  • College degrees earned:
  • Tax training courses:
  • Certifications:


3. How long have you worked for this organization?

4. Do you carry professional liability insurance?

5. Is this your full-time job?

6. If I am audited, are you authorized to represent me before the IRS?

7. How many hours of continuing professional education are you required to have each year to maintain your employment?

8. How many tax returns do you prepare per year?

9. What type of software does your firm use to prepare returns?

10. What percentage of the returns done by you have been audited?

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Financial Management: How many tax returns do you prepare per year- what type of
Reference No:- TGS01709087

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