How many stories are there fit into hero journey structure


Variations on a Myth

How many stories are there that fit into the Hero's Journey structure? Let's get together and compile a list to see how prevalent this mythic structure actually is in our culture. Drawing from movies, books, episodes from TV shows, and even news articles (because non-fiction stories can also fit into the hero's journey), offer up an example of the hero's journey and explain how your example fits into Campbell's mythic structure . ALSO, HARRY POTTER, LORD OF THE RINGS, AND THE HUNGER GAMES ARE ALSO DISQUALIFIED FROM THIS ASSIGNMENT, BECAUSE

THEY'VE BEEN REFERENCED IN THE ANIMATION VIDEO. To help with this assignment, use the Hero's Journey map as a guide. Your assignment should have the following:

? Title of the work

? Hero's name

? Summary of the plot

? Focus on one stage from the Hero's Journey and explain how that fits into the work you chose.

Your response should be 350 to 450 words. Once you've posted your example and explanation.

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English: How many stories are there fit into hero journey structure
Reference No:- TGS03196057

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