
How many sections are there in icd-ten-pcs


1) How many sections are there in ICD-10-PCS?

2) Which is the largest section of ICD-10-PCS?

3) According to the body part key, what body part value is used for the adductor magnus muscle?

4) If a patient has a left upper lung lobectomy, what is coded?

5) If multiple tubular body parts are inspected, what should be coded?

6) What is the root operation used to describe an extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy procedure?

7) Non-excisional debridement is coded to which root operation?

8) The key word is "separate" in the definition for which root operation?

9) Which of the following would not be coded as a Transplantation in ICD-10-PCS?

10) A patient is seen for elective sterilization and the physician performs a vasectomy by ligating the vas deferens. What is the root operation?

11) In a fusion procedure when autologous bone graft material is used, this means that the bone graft was taken from __________.

12) Which device value is not available for the Fusion root operation?

13) If the patient has an amputation of a supernumerary digit and it contains only soft tissue and no bone, which root operation is used?

14) What is the root operation when a physician frees a nerve root from surrounding scar tissue to relieve pain?

15) ICD-10-PCS classifies the small bones (ossicles) in the middle ear, which are the malleus, incus, and stapes as being ________________________; therefore, the root operation of _____________ is used when one ossicle is removed.

16) A physician treated a cyst in the pharynx. The cyst wall was sutured open. He removed some of the cyst wall during the suturing process. What is the root operation?

17) When blood is removed directly from a vein or artery, the root operation assigned is __________.

18) The ICD-10-PCS code for "gastroscopy" is __________.

19) Since bone marrow is pulled or stripped out during a biopsy, the root operation assigned is __________.

20) In ICD-10-PCS, the body part value (character 4) to be assigned for the cuticle and proximal nail fold of the left finger is _________.

21) Tenotomy is always coded to the root operation Division. (True/False)

22) The trapezium, trapezoid, and scaphoid bone are bones of the __________.

23) This body part, while frequently accessed through the urinary system and the cause of many urinary problems, is not a part of the urinary system in ICD-10-PCS. It is a body part within the male reproductive system.

24) When the documentation states that a biopsy is performed, the qualifier assigned is __________.

25) A total abdominal hysterectomy with a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TAH-BSO) requires _________ code(s) in ICD-10-PCS.

26) The approach to be typically assigned for amniocentesis is __________.

27) A physician performs a laparoscopic ventral hernia repair with Parietex mesh. What is the correct root operation for this procedure?

28) When cautery is used to control acute bleeding, what root operation is used?

29) In ICD-10-PCS, the root operation to be used for "neuroplasty" is __________.

30) Eye muscles are classified as vertical or horizontal in ICD-10-PCS. (True/False)

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Reference No:- TGS03318284

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