
How many records will a shelf-filing system accommodate if

Part 1: Basic Math

1. Compute the following averages:

a. Ten patients were discharged yesterday. Two of these discharged patients were hospitalized 3 days, two were hospitalized 4 days, and the rest were in for 5, 7, 8, 1, 9, and 2 days, respectively. What was the average number of hospitalized days for this group-correct to one decimal place?

b. During the past week, the following number of cases of measles were reported statewide each day: 7, 5, 12, 18, 22, 14, 9. What was the daily average-correct to one decimal place?

c. A hospital reports the following number of autopsies performed each month by the hospital pathologist: 10, 9, 12, 12, 7, 14, 8, 11, 9, 11, 13, 7. What was the average number performed monthly-correct to the nearest whole number?

2. Round to two decimal places:

a. 40.636 d. 10.999

b. 40.666 e. 18.555

c. 40.699 f. 0.095

3. Round to the nearest whole number:

a. 40.499 d. 7,770.4

b. 70.555 e. 0.5

c. 67.9 f. 55.5

4. Round to the nearest

a. hundred 4,455 e. hundredth 63.895

b. tenth 4.657 f. ten 77.499

c. thousandth 0.0055 g. thousand 87,485.7

d. million 4,500,000

5. Convert to a percentage-correct to one decimal place:

a. 60:80 d. 0.66 g. 6/50

b. 2/5 e. 1.08 h. 6:9

c. 0.03 f. 7/8

6. Convert to the lowest fraction:

a. 60/100 d. 33/99

b. 80% e. 10%

c. 35/65 f. 5:100

7. Convert to a decimal-correct to two decimal places:

a. 1/12 d. 73%

b. 2/15 e. 10:90

c. 45/65 f. 4 out of 4

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60 Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis

8. Given the following rate, ratio, or proportion, determine the decimal equivalent and the correspc - - percentage.

Rate/Ratio/Proportion Decimal Equivalent Percentage

a. 2/100

b. 6/25

c. 16:84

d. 360/900

9. Given the following percentages, determine the corresponding decimal equivalent and ratio.

Percentage Decimal Equivalent Ratio

a. 83.33%

b. 87.5%

c. 66.67%

d. 40%

e. 0.50%

f. 0.025%

10. Compute the following-correct to the nearest whole number.

a. If 6 out of 10 patients admitted to the hospital are discharged in three days or less, how many e5.rt of 12,689 recorded admissions were hospitalized over three days?

b. A hospital discharged 2,895 patients in January. If 3% developed a hospital-based infection, ho%% many were affected'?

c. A hospital reported 14,444 discharges during the past year. If 35% of these patients were seer consultation, how many discharged patients were seen by a consultant?

Part 2: HIM Applications

1. The base pay for a departmental transcriptionist is $10 an hour for the first 1,000 lines of transcript': -per day. What is the annual cost per line for the 1,000 lines transcribed-correct to the nearest cer-:

2. Additional lines (over 1,000 lines) of transcription are paid at an additional rate of one cent per lire, transcriptionist averages 1,200 lines per day, what is the transcriptionist's annual salary?

3. A new employee is paid $14.50 an hour. A performance evaluation is completed at the end of the and it is determined that the employee should receive a 3.5% raise. What will be the new hourly rete?

4. If the average record is one-half-inch thick:

a. How many records will a shelf-filing system accommodate if each unit of a 4-unit system has E shelves and holds 35 inches of filed charts?

b. If 2 additional units are purchased, how many charts can be filed?

c. If the average record is 3/4 inch thick, how many records will the original 4 units hold?

5. A file room contains 1,720 charts. The department decides to purge 300 charts for digitizing. There are 5 units of 5 shelves each, with each shelf holding 3.5 inches, and the average record is one-ha inch thick.

a. How many inches of shelf space is still available prior to purging?

b. How much shelf space (in inches) will be available subsequent to purging?

c. Approximately how many one-half-inch charts will fit in the open shelf space after the purge?

6. A department needs new equipment. The manager receives the following bids from four different ven-dors. The bids are as follows:

Vendor                                      Cost                                    Discount

A                                         $2,500                                             5%

B                                         $2,800                                           10%

C                                         $2,400                                             3%

D                                         $2,700                                             8%

a. What would be the final cost for each proposal?

b. Which vendor offers the best deal?

7. A department leases a scanner at a cost of $1,700 per quarter and three copy machines for $60 per month each. How much must be budgeted for this equipment on an annual basis?

8. The annual budget includes the following items:

Office supplies and postage: $2,800 Outsourced staffing: $15,350

Travel and conference fees: $3,660 Maintenance contracts: $1,990

Determine the percentage of the total costs budgeted for each expense.

9. During the first half of the year, 686 patients were admitted to the cardiovascular care unit. Of these, 79 were readmissions. What percentage were readmitted?

10. The HIM department has two experienced coders and two coders with training but without experience. The hourly pay for the experienced coders is $15 an hour, and for the inexperienced coders, the hourly pay is $12. What is the annual salary for each level of coding?

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Dissertation: How many records will a shelf-filing system accommodate if
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