A. ASSESSING INFANT REFLEXES: In this project, you will gain experience assessing infant abilities and further develop your understanding of infant reflexes. The goal is to assess two infants, one aged 1 to 4 months and the other aged 6 to 12 months. For each infant, perform the stimulation necessary to elicit the reflexive behavior. Note which of the reflexes are present (P) or absent (A) for each infant. After performing the demonstration with each infant, you should answer the questions that follow.
Infant 1 Infant 2
Reflex Stimulation and reflex Sex __ Age _ Sex__ Age __
Placing Backs of infant's feet are
drawn against a flat surface's
edge: Baby withdraws foot. P/A P/A
Walking Hold baby under arms with
bare feet touching flat surface:
Baby makes step like motions
that appear like coordinated walking. P/A P/A
Darwinian Stroke palm of infant's hand:
(grasping) Baby makes strong fist; if both
fists are closed around a stick,
the infant could be raised to
standing position. P/A P/A
Tonic neck Baby is laid down on back:
Infant turns head to one side and
extends arms and legs on preferred
side and flexes opposite limbs. P/A P/A
Moro (startle) Make a sudden, loud noise near
infant: Infant extends legs, arms,
and fingers, arches back, and
draws back head. P/A P/A
Babinski Stroke sole of baby's foot: Infant's
toes fan out and foot twists in P/A P/A
Rooting Stroke baby's cheek with one's
finger: Baby's head turns, mouth
opens, and sucking movements begin P/A P/A
1. How many of the reflexive behaviors were exhibited by the younger infant? By the older infant?
2. Which reflexes dropped out early?
3. What responses seem to replace each of the reflexive behaviors in the older infant?
4. What might be the adaptive value of each reflex in the infant's repertoire?