
How many named constants are declared how many variables

Fundamentals of Computer Science Assignment: Program Errors, Variable Declaration, and Assignment Statements

1. Categorize each of the following situations as a compile-time error, run-time error, or logical error.

Misspelling a Java reserved word in the program code.

Calculating the average of an empty list of numbers by dividing the sum of the numbers on the list by the size of the list.

Outputting a student's high test grade when their average test grade should have been output.

Misspelling the word Kilometers as part of a String in a print statement.

Typing a { when [ should have been typed in the program code.

Attempting to extract the character in position 3 in the String that reads "Bye"

2. Given the following declarations, answer each question.

int count = 10, value, total = 0;
final int MAX_LOAD = 200;
int temp = 50;

How many named constants are declared?

How many variables are declared?

What is the type of these declared variables?

Which of the variables are given an initial value?

Given the above declarations,

Is the following statement legal? Circle one. Legal Not legal

temp = 100;

Is the following statement legal? Circle one. Legal Not legal

MAX_LOAD = 50;

3. Write Java declaration statements to accomplish the following:

Declare a double variable named annualIncome

Declare three variables named radius, area and circumference, all of type double

Declare a boolean variable named primeFound

Declare an int variable named numPizza and initialize it to 0

Declare a boolean variable named rich and initialize it to false

Declare a char variable named gender and initialize it to character 'M'

Declare a String variable named customerName and initialize it to "John Doe"

Declare a named constant MAX_OCCUPANCY that represents 40

Declare a named constant SALES_TAX_RATE that represents 0.08

Declare a named constant SEPARATOR that represents the character ' '

4. Write Java assignment statements to accomplish the following:

Triple the value of an int variable named limit digit and num are two int variables. Assign digit the value of the digit in the unit position of num. For example, if num = 456, compute and assign 6 to digit.

Assign a character variable named zero the value of character 0.

A boolean variable named rich is assigned the value true if the annualIncome is greater than or equal to 250,000, and false otherwise. (Do not write an if statement.)

A boolean variable named vowel is assigned true if and only if a character variable named ch holds a vowel in English language (in lower case)

5. Write Java output statements to accomplish the following (assume that the print cursor on the screen is positioned at the beginning of a new line):

Print the message Program Terminated! on screen and position the cursor at the beginning of a new line.

Print the message Enter an integer: (with one blank space after the :) on screen and leave the cursor on the same line.

Print the message Sally said, "Hello" on screen and position the cursor at the beginning of a new line.

With one statement to print Hello, in one line and World! in another line.

Print a blank line and position the cursor at the beginning of a new line. Assume that the cursor is at the beginning of a new line.

6. Write Java interactive input statements to accomplish the following: Assume that a Scanner object named input has been created for keyboard input.

Prompt and read the value for an int variable age (An appropriate prompt in this case is "Enter age: ")

Prompt and read the value for the String variable name

Prompt and read the value for a double variable annualIncome.

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JAVA Programming: How many named constants are declared how many variables
Reference No:- TGS02639155

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