1. How long have you been in your position?
2- Why did you want to become a manager?
3. Did you advance within the company, or were you hired from the outside?
4. When you became a manager, were there any issues between you and your coworkers?
5. How many employees/people do you typically manage at one time?
6. As a manager, how do you motivate your employees?
7. As a manager, how do you delegate responsibility?
8. As a manager, how do you reprimand employees?
9. As a manager, have you ever had to fire an employee? If so, how did you handle it?
10. What are your strengths as a manager? Weaknesses?
11. As a manager, how do you deal with all of the stress?
12. As a manager, which do you rely on more: education or experience?
13. What do you like best about being a manager? Least?
14. How do you deal with other managers within the company whose managing styles differ from yours?
15. How much control/authority do you as a manager have to make decisions and implement changes?
16. If you could change anything about the way you manage or make decisions, what would it be?