Use the code segment below for the questions
String[][] classRosters = {{ "Keith", "Juanita", "David", "Patricia"},
{ "Camren", "Joyce", "Nicole", "Maurice" },
{ "Denise", "Monique", "Juanita", "Kevin"}};
A. How many elements must be checked to find the string "Monique" when a row-major order traversal is performed on the classRosters array?
B. How many elements must be checked to find the string "Monique" when a column-major order traversal is performed on classRosters array?
C. Which traversal method located the string "Monique" using the least iterations?
D. How many elements must be checked to find the string "Kevin" when a row-major order traversal is performed on the classRosters array?
E. How many elements are accessed until the string "Kevin" is visited when column-major order traversal is performed on classRosters array?
F. Which traversal method located the string "Kevin" using the least iterations?