
How many days of personal use and how many days of rental

Several years ago, Junior acquired a home that he vacationed in part of the time and rented out part of the time. During the current year Junior: Personally stayed in the home for 33 days. Rented it to his favorite brother at a discount for 13 days. Rented it to his least favorite brother for sixteen days at the full market rate. Rented it to his friend at a discounted rate for ten days. Rented the home to third parties for 55 days at the market rate. Did repair and maintenance work on the home for two days. Marketed the property and made it available for rent for 210 days during the year (in addition to the days mentioned above).

How many days of personal use and how many days of rental use did Junior experience on the property during the year?

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Financial Management: How many days of personal use and how many days of rental
Reference No:- TGS02859849

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