How many companies make robotic lawnmowers and what

Using the attached article-Robots Cut Grass With Class, identify the following "facts" about the robotic lawnmower industry and the associated market. Some will be clearly stated, some are implied.

Limit your answers to information explicitly included in the article.

Compose your answer in a Word (or equivalent) document and upload via Canvas

1. Identify the various potential market segments

2. How many companies make robotic lawnmowers?

3. List the specific makers of robotic lawnmowers

4. What benefits are people seeking or needs are they trying to satisfy or criteria do they use when seeking solutions to lawn maintenance?

5. What variety or range of options exists in robotic lawnmower offerings?

6. What environmental factors/trends are impacting demand or supply?

7 What is the size of the home robot industry?

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Marketing Management: How many companies make robotic lawnmowers and what
Reference No:- TGS0985166

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