
How many commercials were roughly sixty seconds long

Discussion questions:

• Think of a new product you recently purchased or used, or an ad for a new product.

• Share with the class this new product idea; in addition to describing this new item indicate whether this new product is either additions to existing product lines or improvements or revisions of existing products.

• Do you believe your new product will be among the few new product ideas that are truly successful?

• Why or why not?

• Supply chain management is instrumental as it pertains to marketing as marketing plays a key role in integrating supply chain processes and promoting collaboration between stakeholders.

• In this week's discussion focus on the benefits of supply chain management, how does the implementation of supply chain management result in enhanced customer value?

• In a one-hour (full 60-minute) period, how many minutes were devoted to advertising? How were they distributed throughout the hour?

• How many commercials were roughly 60 seconds long? 45 seconds? 30 seconds? 15 seconds?

• Was the same product advertised more than once during the hour? Were the commercials identical?

• How well do the commercials fit with the program? Do the programs and the products have similar target markets?

• Did you find any commercials to be effective in their advertising methods, why or why not?

• Do you love or despise commercials and why?

• Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue all other elements represent costs.

• How do price decisions affect the other three P's? Select a product that you regularly buy.

• How does price impact your purchase decision for this product?

• How does it impact your perception of the brand? Does the company's pricing strategy help build a long-term relationship with you by creating value?

• Why or Why not?

• Remember to include the link to your product of choice in your discussion board response for others to review.

• Recall an occasion when you experienced cognitive dissonance about a purchase. Describe the event, and explain what you did about it.

• Did anyone such as a family member, friend, or colleague play a role in your cognitive dissonance about your purchase?

• What did you learn from this experience overall and the factors and influences that play a part in you the consumer's decision making process.

• How does your company encourage their employees to do volunteer work?

• Is there a specific organization such as Habitat for Humanity that your company of choice supports or encourages their employees to volunteer or become involved in. Are the corporate volunteers paid for their efforts, perhaps through designated volunteer days or hours?

• What do the companies receive for their efforts to be good community citizens?

• How does the ability to perform volunteer work on company time affect employee perception of the company?

• Lastly what are your thoughts on corporate social responsibility?

Now that you've learned so many new things about marketing, this week's discussion is an opportunity to review and reflect on the concepts and lessons covered in the past eight weeks.

What were the three most important things you learned?

• Which lesson was the most difficult to understand?

• Has your perception of marketing and its role changed since you have begun this course why or why not?

• Do you have any thoughts on how you might apply these lessons in the future? Thanks for being a great class!

The post should be a minimum of 150 words. If you use any source outside of your own thoughts, you should reference that source. Include solid grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling.

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Marketing Management: How many commercials were roughly sixty seconds long
Reference No:- TGS01773470

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