How many code words of length three using the letters { a, c, d, e, f, h } are possible? A code word of length three is any arrangement of three letters, repetitions allowed. For example: ''aac'' is a code word of length three.
A: 172.8000 |
B: 216 |
C: 270 |
D: 337.5000 |
E: 421.8750 |
F: 527.3438 |
G: 659.1797 |
H: 823.9746 |
How many code words of length three are possible using the letters { a, c, d, e, f, h }, if we insist that each letter ''d'' (unless it is the last letter) must be followed by the letter ''c''? A code word of length three is any arrangement of three letters, repetitions allowed.
A: 52.8107 |
B: 76.5755 |
C: 111.0345 |
D: 161 |
E: 233.4500 |
F: 338.5025 |
G: 490.8286 |
H: 711.701 |