
How many chromosomes does a fava bean root tip cell have

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I. In fava beans the diploid number of chromosomes is 12 (2n = 12). How many chromosomes does a fava bean root tip cell have when it is in prophase of mitosis? What is the condition of these chromosomes - are they "single" unreplicated chromosomes or are they replicated chromosomes (each having two chromatids joined by a centromere)?

II. Describe the movement and condition of the chromosomes in a fava bean root tip throughout mitosis.

III. Suppose a particular cell in a fava bean root tip has half as much DNA as other nearby cells. Name the phase of the cell cycle (be specific!) that this cell is in. Explain your answer.

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Biology: How many chromosomes does a fava bean root tip cell have
Reference No:- TGS03211759

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