
How many calories did you burn during this workout how did

Heart Rate Monitor Lab - Continuous Cardiorespiratory Activity

Remember to moisten the electrodes on the attaching transmitter with the chest strap.

1. Choose an exercise modality of your preference that would enable you to maintain your heart rate for a continuous 20 minutes in the target HR zone of 150-170 bpm.

2. Activities might include biking, running, spinning, stairmaster, elliptical machines, rowing, etc.


1. What modalitydid you choose?

2. How many minutes did you maintain your heart rate in the target HR zone of 150-170 bpm?

3. How many calories did you burn during this workout?

4. How did the number of calories burned in this lab?

5. What did you learn about your chosen cardiorespiratory activity in regards to staying inthe targetheart rate zone?

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Dissertation: How many calories did you burn during this workout how did
Reference No:- TGS01295109

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