Anna, an ELITEmarathon runner (50kg), is preparing for the Boston marathon (estimated race time 3 hours). Anna is considering how to best meet her hydration and fueling requirements during the race. Anna is considering consuming the following products:
a) Plain water
b) Gatorade G series thirst quencher (12 fl oz, 355 mL) -
c) Gatorade Endurance formula (12 fl oz, 355 mL) -
d) Coca-Cola (12 fl oz, 355 mL) -
e) GU Energy Gel: Espresso love -
(total g and g/100mL)
(total mg and mmol/L)
Caffeine (mg)
Plain water
0 g
0 g/100mL
0 mg
0 mmol/L
0 mg
Gatorade G series thirst quencher
(355 mL)
21 g
6 g/100mL
160 mg
20 mmol/L
0 mg
Gatorade Endurance (355 mL)
21 g
6 g/100mL
300 mg
37 mmol/L
0 mg
Coca-Cola original (355 mL)
39 g
11 g/100mL
45 mg
6 mmol/L
34 mg
GU Energy Gel (taken with water 355 mL)
22 g
6 g/100mL
60 mg
7 mmol/L
40 mg
1. Evaluate each of the products based on their carbohydrate, sodium, and caffeine concentrations relative to the physiologically optimal concentrations provided in class. Give reasons as to why/why not they may provide physiological and/or performance benefits.
2. Which product/s would you recommend to Anna to best meet her hydration and fueling requirements for completing the marathon? Explain why you think this would be the best choice?
3. How many bottles of Gatorade would Anna need to consume per hour to meet her hydration and fueling requirements? Provide reasons.
4. If the person from Case study #1 approached you and asked whether she needed to consume a sports drink during her 30-minute workout, would you prescribe the same/similar hydration and nutrition plan as you did for Anna? Provide reasons for/against.