
How many americans are thought to have high blood pressure

Hypertension and the DASH Diet

Instructions: use pages 254-258 of the textbook to complete the following.  Your answers must be in your own words and in complete sentences. 


1. How many Americans are thought to have high blood pressure? What are 2 chronic diseases that hypertension increase the risk of?

2. How often should you have your blood pressure checked? What is the difference between systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure?

3. What are 4 minerals that have an impact on blood pressure and explain if they increase it or decrease it.

4. Research has shown that the DASH diet is an effective way to manage blood pressure. What food groups does the DASH diet emphasize?

5. Create a one day meal plan that follows the DASH diet.

  • Your meal plan must include 3 meals and 0-2 snacks.
  • The total amount of food in your menu must match the total amount of food listed in the first row of the table below. For example, if the recommendation is for 6 servings of grains, your menu should have 6 servings of grains spread over the 3 meals (and snacks if you include them).
  • Be sure to give specific foods and amounts of each food. For example, don't just say milk. What type of milk (skim, 1%, 2%, whole milk) and how much (1 cup, ½ cup)?  Use pages 257-258 as a guide for serving sizes and types of foods.


Food Groups










Lean meats, fish, poultry


Nuts, seeds & legumes




Sweets & added sugars


Total Servings for each group

6 servings

4 servings

4 servings

3 servings

6 servings

1 serving

3 servings

1 serving








































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Biology: How many americans are thought to have high blood pressure
Reference No:- TGS02476126

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