Consider a project consisting of four activities A, B, C, and D.
a) A and B, the first activities of the project, can be started simultaneously.
b) C can be started only after A is completed.
c) D can be started only after B is completed
Suppose the activity times for the activities are A = 2 weeks, B = 2 weeks, C = 2 weeks, D = 2 weeks.
a) How long does the project take to complete?
b) We ask the engineer working on activity A to factor in uncertainty in activity times and to provide better estimates of the activity times. The engineers tell us that activity A takes 1 week 50% of the time, and 3 weeks 50% of the time. How long does the project now take to complete (on average)?
c) We now also ask the engineer working on activity B to factor in uncertainty in activity times and to provide better estimates of the activity times. The engineer now tell us that activity B takes 1 week 50% of the time, and 3 weeks 50% of the time. How long does the project now take to complete (on average)? [ASSUME THAT BOTH ACTIVITY A AND ACTIVITY B ARE UNCERTAIN]