How long does it typically take fraud to be detected


From the article "What are the Seven Internal Control Procedures in Accounting" by David Ingram.

I. How can small businesses, with only a few employees, implement the separation of duties internal control?
II. How long does it typically take fraud to be detected?
III. Access Controls, one of the seven accounting internal controls, refers to what?
IV. Standardizing documents refers to what?
V. What reconciliation does the article refer to?

From the Fraud Protection Youtube Video "5 Steps to Reduce Small Business Fraud".

I. Identify the five fraud protection techniques discussed in the video

From the Small Business Fraud youtube video "Prevent Small Business Fraud".

I. What is the Fraud Triangle?
II. Identify three examples of how fraud can be detected
III. Identify three fraud "motives" why a person would commit fraud?
IV. Identify three "rationalization" reasons why a person would commit fraud?

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Accounting Basics: How long does it typically take fraud to be detected
Reference No:- TGS03025819

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