Problem: Explain the reasons why tourism has become such an important source of income and employment for many Pacific Island Countries. How likely is the COVID-19 pandemic to lead to a shift away from tourism towards other means of livelihood?
Core reading for Question
Connell, J. (2021). COVID-19 and tourism in Pacific SIDS: lessons from Fiji, Vanuatu and Samoa? The Round Table, 110(1), 149-158.
Foley, A. M., Moncada, S., Mycoo, M., Nunn, P., Tandrayen-Ragoobur, V., & Evans, C. (2022). Small Island Developing States in a post-pandemic world: Challenges and opportunities for climate action. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 13(3), e769.
Movono, A., Scheyvens, R., & Auckram, S. (2022). Silver linings around dark clouds: Tourism, Covid-19 and a return to traditional values, villages and the vanua. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 63(2), 164?179.