
How likely are lower-level employees going to be invited to

Assignment Instructions

Research a company that has moved some of its operations overseas. Discuss how this has directly affected the American workforce. Applying concepts you learned in the required readings, discuss who has benefited more from this practice: the United States, or the foreign country?

250 words in APA format. Citations and intext-citation. Please remember that each paragraph most be at least 3 sentences.


Five Dimensions of Culture

One approach to analyzing corporate culture is to break it down into five dimensions.

Power Distance. How likely are lower-level employees going to be invited to the upper floors of the C-level executives? Formality is a key factor in this environment. Are executives addressed by the first name, or their last name? Think of the differences between the United States and Japan. How likely is it that an executive will solicit advice from a plant worker?

Individualism. Are individual accomplishments valued? Contrast this with collectivist societies where a person's identity is tied to the company or family group. Is the monarchy in the United Kingdom focused on individualism? Does a company want to differentiate itself or is it content to be one of the group?

Masculinity.Are there "men's jobs" and "women's jobs?" What is the difference between a nurturing occupation, versus an assertive one? Which gender is more likely to work in each? In a management role, is a leader expected to be intuitive and seek consensus for decisions? Or should the leader be aggressive and decisive?

Uncertainty avoidance. How tolerant of uncertainty are the members of the organization? What is at the top of the list for employees: a) job security and retirement benefits or b) an exchange of high risk for high rewards? How resistant is the organization to change? Managers tend to rely on experience and training in low uncertainty organizations, and opposed to their counterparts who rely on rules and procedures.

Long-term orientation. Are decisions made to benefit the company 20 years into the future? Or is the goal to maximize the current stock price?



1) Peng, M. (2014). Global strategy. Mason, Ohio: South-Western.

Chapter 3 Leveraging Resources and Capabilities

Chapter 4 Emphasizing Institutions, Cultures and Ethics

2) Meybodi, M. (2006). Internal manufacturing strategy audit: The first step in integrated strategic benchmarking. Benchmarking, 13(5), 580-595. doi:https://dx.doi.org.ezproxy2.apus.edu/10.1108/14635770610690429

3) Bani-Ahmed, A., J Al-Sharairi. (2014) The Relationship between Planning of Audit Process and Total Quality Management. 9(5) doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijbm.v9n5p96

4) Lillis, B., &Szwejczewski, M. (2012). An exploratory study of strategic operations audit methods in services. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(11), 1306-1336. doi:https://dx.doi.org.ezproxy2.apus.edu/10.1108/01443571211274567

5) Abuaddous, M. M. Hanefah, N. Laili. (2015) Audit Structure, Time Pressure and Judgment Accuracy: A Comparison between Strategic System Audit and Traditional Audit. 7(8) doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijef.v7n8p53

6) Sawalha, N., Zaitouni, M., &ElSharif, A. (2012). Corporate culture dimensions associated with organizational commitment: An empirical study. Journal of Applied Business Research, 28(5), 957-975. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docview/1048232632?accountid=8289

7) Stock, R. M., Six, B., & Zacharias, N. A. (2013). Linking multiple layers of innovation-oriented corporate culture, product program innovativeness, and business performance: A contingency approach. Academy of Marketing Science.Journal, 41(3), 283-299. doi:https://dx.doi.org.ezproxy2.apus.edu/10.1007/s11747-012-0306-5

8) Van Der Westhuizen, D. W., Pacheco, G., & Webber, D. J. (2012). Culture, participative decision making and job satisfaction. International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 23(13), 2661-2679. doi:10.1080/09585192.2011.625967

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